Thank You for Testing PalOMoney
February 01, 2013 07:31PM
This forum is for PalOMoney testers, those who have registered with the web site forum and store, and have downloaded the hopefully latest version of the PalOMoney Microsoft Money Online quotes updater. This topic is where you can discuss any issues regarding your experience, other than product support issues and enhancement requests, which should be directed to the Support forums plus optionally the Issues Tracker.

The basic idea is to recruit and support a community of testers to test the software and direct its development. The process should be mutually beneficial and enjoyable. Testers can share their opinions, knowledge, and experiences on the appropriate forums here and on the Wiki by registering then creating or editing topics there.

Suggested topics include: tester recruitment, signup, and selection process; site and support interactions and responsiveness. For example, this is a good place to discuss, refine, redefine, or eliminate the Tester's Agreement and other requirements for being a tester.

If you have a sensitive or personal matter to discuss, you can post a private message to a user on this forum.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2013 07:59PM by Support.
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